





Associate Professor of Physics


Stephens Science Center 122


Birmingham-南部 College
伯明翰,AL 35254
Office Phone: (205) 226-4875
Office Fax: (205) 226 3078
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  • Assistant Professor of Physics, Birmingham-南部 College, 2007-present
  • Assistant Professor of Physics, The Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University, 2000-2007
  • Assistant Professor of Physics, Elon University, 1999-2000
  • 帖子doctoral Research, The University of North Carolina, 1998-1999


PhD - Physics, The University of North Carolina, 1998
BS - Physics and Mathematics, The University of Tennessee, 1992

Areas of Academic Interest:

  • 引力物理学
  • 计算物理学
  • Physics Laboratory Pedagogy


AS 101 General Astronomy (1)
An introductory course in descriptive astronomy with laboratory. The Meyer Planetarium and telescopes owned by the College are 使用d as instructional aids. Three lectures and one laboratory per week.

AS 105 Principles of Astronomy (1)
An introduction to major topics of modern astronomy, focusing on the fundamental physical principles underlying astronomical phenomena. 前ics include the origin, 结构, and evolution of the solar system, 星星, 星系, 还有宇宙. 每周三节课.

PH 103 Energy and the Environment (1)
An introduction to the physical principles underlying energy production, 使用, 以及环境影响. 前ics include electrical power generation and transmission; the design and efficiency of heat engines; and environmental effects such as pollution and resource depletion. One lecture and one laboratory period per week.

PH 121 General Physics I (1)
Mechanics of linear and rotational motion, oscillations, and waves, using vectors and calculus. The sequence PH 121122 fulfills the requirements of students who are majoring in physics, 化学, 或数学. This sequence is a prerequisite for all physics courses of higher number. Two lectures and one laboratory period per week. Tutorial sessions are offered each week. Prerequisite: credit in or current enrollment in MA 231.

PH 122 General Physics II (1)
热力学, 电, 和磁, 电路, and geometrical optics of lenses and mirrors. Two lectures and one laboratory period per week. 前提条件:PH 121.

PH 301 Modern Physics (1)
Special relativity, quantum theory of light, and wave mechanics of matter. Applications of wave mechanics to atomic and molecular physics. Three lectures and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: credit in or current enrollment in PH 201.

PH 303 Optical Physics (1)
Electromagnetic waves: reflection, refraction, dispersion, and absorption. Geometrical optics of lens and mirror systems. Physical optics of polarization, coherence, interference, and diffraction. Three lectures and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: credit in or current enrollment in PH 201.

PH 304 Thermal Physics (1)
Classical and quantum statistical mechanics of many-particle systems. Statistical ensembles and probability distribution functions. Applications to thermodynamics, 气体运动论, 固体物理, and low-temperature physics. Prerequisite: credit in or current enrollment in PH 201.

PH 412 Quantum Mechanics (1)
The postulates of quantum mechanics, solutions of the Schrödinger equation for systems in one and three dimensions, 矩阵表示, angular momentum operators, 近似的方法, 时间依赖性. 前提条件:PH 402.

HON 493 Honors Project (½ or 1)
An independent study in general education in preparation or completion of the Honors  Independent Project. All Honors projects require approval by the Harrison Honors Committee. 通常, the Honors Project is begun the spring of the junior year and completed the fall of the senior year. HON 493 may be repeated with consent. Prerequisite: Harrison Honors Program.

HON51 Science, Pseudoscience, and Skepticism (探索术语)
In our modern scientific era, should we be surprised that many people still embrace pseudoscientific beliefs? How can we distinguish between science and non-science? Isn't skepticism just a form of denialism? We will explore many issues relating to these questions, exploring logical and scientific reasoning, 证据和. 轶事, the prevalence of pseudoscientific beliefs in our society, and the role of skepticism in scientific inquiry. 前ics will include creation science, 首页opathy and pseudomedicine, investigations of paranormal claims, 还有更多. Prerequisite: Harrison Honors Program.

PH69 Travels In Spacetime (探索术语)
This course will focus on the physics of motion through space and time. We will investigate how relative motion affects the observation of physical quantities and how special relativity fundamentally differs from Newtonian physics. We will also investigate gravity as a manifestation of the curvature of spacetime. An important component of this approach is discussion and careful analysis of the apparent "paradoxes" that arise in the study of relativity.

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